Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of NYS
Dutchess District

"A Freemason practices courtesy and civility in society, honesty and fairness in business, kindness in the home, pity and concern for the unfortunate, resistance toward evil, help for the weak, forgiveness for those who transgress, love for one another, and above all – reverence and love for God"

Masonry is a Way of Life
M:.W:. Jeffrey M. Williamson, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York

Dutchess District and its Lodges

The Dutchess Masonic District currently includes nine Lodges and is contained within the boundaries of Dutchess County, in the Mid-Hudson valley, New York. The District exists within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York. Masonic activity began in the District before the American Revolution and continues today. In 1771 Solomon’s Lodge #1 began meeting in the unincorporated village of Poughkeepsie, New York. Through the years Lodges have opened, closed, or joined together. The oldest Lodge in the District is Warren Lodge #32, (1807), known as a “Moon” Lodge as it meets on the Thursday closest to the full moon through the Fall and Spring each year.

Education and Resources

Freemasonry has been defined as a system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. In essence it is the study and knowledge of the Truth - good men are inspired and supported to become better as they serve God, their neighbors and improve themselves. They are encouraged to strengthen character, improve moral and spiritual outlook, and broaden their mental horizons through Masonic education. In New York State the primary resource for Masonic literature is the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library. It is a storehouse of information relating to Freemasonry where hundreds of scholars, researchers and interested parties have made use of more than 16,000 books, in addition to artifacts, files, manuscripts, and other materials. Reading courses are available through the Library, courses of instruction are offered in each District, and education programs are presented at each regular meeting of Masonic Lodges, all supporting each Brother in his quest for the Truth

Becoming a Mason

Members of our fraternity believe men are first made Masons in their hearts, then they ask to join our Fraternity. Freemasonry will take these men — already good men in our community — and help make them better men.

To find out more about being a Mason, learn more using the button below.

General Information About Masons

For 2016 through 2018, general information about Masons and Masonry is organized around five themes: Education, Ritual, Charity, Service and Fellowship. Each theme emphasizes areas of endeavor available to each Brother as he advances through his life in his search for the Truth.


In old England, Free Masonry was defined as "a system of morality, veiled in allegory (or a story) and illustrated by symbols."

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Masonic Ritual refers to the scripted words and actions that are spoken or performed during the tiled meeting and degree work in a Masonic Lodge.

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Freemasons are guided by integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness.

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Freemasonry has many facets which have attracted men of good will of every race, religion, political view, and social position into its ranks.

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Our District Officers

List is a list of our district Officers
RW Arthur H Pritchard

RW Arthur H Pritchard

District Deputy Grand Master

RW Clinton E. Allen

RW Clinton E. Allen

Grand Steward

RW Richard Hawthorne

RW Richard Hawthorne

Assistant Grand Lecturer

News and Dialogue

Keep in touch with the all the latest news, events, and issues
24 Oct
W:. Fred Kraser received the 70 Year Apron from M:.W:. Jeffrey M. Williamson – October 14, 2017

W:. Fred Kraser received his 70th Year Apron from M:.W:. Jeffrey M. Williamson on October 14, 2...

Grand Lecturer’s Convention – April 18, 2017

2017 Grand Lecturer’s Convention Mid-Hudson Districts (Combined Columbia, Dutchess Greene-Ulste...

Jack Marcotte Receives the Eagle School Award

March 26, 2017 was a very special day for Jack Marcotte of Troop 42. Jack was awarded the honor...

80th Masonic Communion Breakfast

      Joint Masonic Districts     Columbia, Dutchess and Greene-Ulster The 8...